Custom set

Currently, we are ready to provide a new service. You can order a set of photos according to your ideas. You get 80-100 photos, the service will cost 15…50 USD.
Now we are ready to accept your ideas. To realize them, you have to do the following:
1. Write a letter to the address listed on the Contact page with subject “Custom set“.
2. Describe your idea, describe in detail clothing and devices (a list of devices placed on the appropriate page).

Also you can order a video clip, lasting at least 4 minutes, the cost of this service is 25…50 USD.


This service is available only for site customers who have purchased at least one set.
The photos in the set have a standard set structure (for acquaintance with it buy one of the last sets). If you need something else, the price may be different.

Example of request:
Hi, I want a photo of a girl in glasses, she should be dressed in leather leggings and leather jacket, high heel shoes on her legs. She should be handcuffed, with leg irons on her legs, and ball gag in her mouth.

It is desirable, as much as possible details, you can add photos / videos, pictures or sketches.